hot springs

Origins and Evolution of the Californian Massage

In our salon we offer only one type of massage – the Californian Massage. And do it on purpose, because this is not simply a technique, but a holistic philosophy of working with the body.

The Californian Massage is distinguished by its holistic approach, combining flowing movements that seek to reduce the stress and promote muscle recovery. Experience it today in our wellness centre.

Where does it come from the Californian Massage?

The Californian Massage it has its roots in the early 70's in the Institute, Esalen, located in Big Sur, California. Esalen was a major center for the Human Potential Movementa revolution cultural and intellectual intended to explore and expand the boundaries of consciousness and human capabilities. Influential leaders of the movement, as Fritz Perls (creator of Gestalt Therapy), Milton Trager Method (Trager), Ida Rolf (creator of Structural Integration or Rolfing), Stanislav Grof (a co-founder of transpersonal psychology), Gabrielle Roth (creator of the approach 5Ritmos) and Moshe Feldenkrais Method Feldenkrais)contributed to the development of practices holistic integrating body, mind and spirit.

The founders of the Human Potential Movement


Fritz Perls
(creator of Gestalt Therapy)


Milton Trager
(Method Trager)


Ida Rolf (the Structural Integration or Rolfeo)


Fritz Perls
(creator of Gestalt Therapy)


Milton Trager


Ida Rolf (creator of Structural Integration or Rolfeo)


Grof (co-founder of transpersonal psychology)


Roth created the approach 5Rhythms)


Moshe Feldenkrais Method Feldenkrais)


Stanislav Grof (co-founder of transpersonal psychology)


Gabrielle Roth
(created the approach 5Rhythms)


Moshe Feldenkrais Method Feldenkrais)

Within this environment rich in exploration and innovation, was born on the massage Esalen®. Originally developed as part of the practices of body work at Esalen®, integrating elements of Gestalt Therapy, meditation, and eastern philosophies. These sessions combine massage, physical with psychological depth, reflecting the general philosophy of Esalen to treat the mind and body as a unified whole.


The founders of the Californian Massage

Ingrid May, kinesiologist deeply involved in the Human Potential Movement, and his partner, Marcelo Bartrolí, whose experience in the bodywork, and dedication to the arts therapeutic helped shape and expand the practice, played a key role in the refinement and validation of this technique of massage. Based on your knowledge of kinesiology and therapy, somatic, and to improve the practice to emphasize, long strokes and fluids that mimic the natural rhythms of the waves of the ocean. This approach not only looking for physical relaxation, but also sought to create a deep connection between body and mind, providing an experience of holistic healing.


Californian Massage

As the practice evolved, it became known as Californian Massage, and was distinguished for his unique blend of techniques taken from the • Swedish massage,•, thai massage • sports massage, • deep-tissue massage, • reflexology • lymphatic massage, • shiatsu • lomi-lomi, in addition to the energy work. Together, Ingrid and Marcelo structured method, and engaged in teaching, ensuring that the depth of therapeutic Massage Californian to be preserved and adapted to modern needs.

Philosophy of the Californian Massage

The Californian Massage is known for its ability to combine physical relaxation with the release emotional and psychological. Their roots in the Human Potential Movement are evident in its holistic approach, which aims to achieve balance and harmony in the individual. The long strokes and fluids, combined with a gentle pressure, help to release tension, promote deep relaxation, and support the natural processes of healing of the body, allowing not only a physical relaxation, but also a profound release mental and emotional. This comprehensive approach makes it a powerful tool to achieve well-being.

Foundation of the school "Oasis School of Massage and Healing Arts"


Their collaboration led to the founding of "Oasis School of Massage and Healing Arts" in Buenos Aires, a school that became a center for the training and certification of practitioners in this technique. Through his work, the Californian Massage won recognition as a powerful form of therapy body in all over the world.

The perfect way to

In our salon, Oasis in Barcelona, we honor the traditions and the essence of the Californian Massage, deeply committed to preserving the knowledge, the love and the care that Ingrid May and Marcelo Bartrolí infused in this remarkable technique. It is our goal that all who visit us feel the same deep connection and tranquillity, as if they were in the heart of the Institute, Esalen on the sunny coast of California.

I cordially invite you to experience this incredible journey with us!

If you have not yet experienced the benefits of the Californian Massage, we encourage you to immerse yourself in your being, and discover a moment of serenity and balance. Remember that this state has always existed within you, and only you can find it. Don't wait any longer and indulge in this unique experience of inner connection and well-being!